Patrizia is a trilingual emcee, etiquette trainer and women rights activist.
She believes that every woman has the opportunity to live a better version of themselves.
Patrizia 為專業三語主持、國際禮儀培訓導師及女性自主倡導者。
Second-runner up at
Hong Kong Master of Ceremony Competition 2011
2011 全港司儀大賽季軍
Professionally trained at
China's top broadcasting & anchoring school -
Communication University of China
Trilingual Emcee / Host / Voice-Over Talent
Fluent in English, Mandarin, Cantonese and basic German, Patrizia has profound experience in hosting different events for international brands, enterprises, governmental and other organisations in various occasions including exhibitions, conferences, product launches, annual dinners, award presentations, press conferences and concerts etc. She was awarded second-runner up at Hong Kong Master of Ceremony Competition in 2011. Patrizia received professional training at China's top broadcasting & anchoring school - Communication University of China, formerly known as The Beijing Broadcasting Institute.
Patrizia holds a Masters degree in Translation from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She also studied in California, the United States. She is active in voluntary services and has a strong background in music-related activities. She was former President at JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes in 2016. In 2018, Patrizia founded a nonprofit organization, SheHub, advocating women empowerment and women rights.
Interests: Music, Etiquette, Travel, Language
Patrizia 精通兩文三語,包話粵語、英語、普通話及基本德語,具多年司儀經驗,活躍於商界及政府機構主辦的活動,主持各類型公開活動,包括大型展覽、會議、產品發布會、晚宴、頒獎禮、記者會和音樂會等。她於2011年奪得全港司儀大賽季軍,曾受訓於中國播音主持最高學府中國傳媒大學 (前北京廣播學院)。
Patrizia 畢業於香港中文大學翻譯系碩士課程,曾留學美國加洲。她熱衷於義務工作及擁有豐富音樂背景。Patrizia為國際青年培訓組織,香港女青年商會2016年會長;2018年創立非牟利組織 SheHub 推動女性自主。
興趣: 音樂、禮儀、旅遊、語言
SheHub CEO, Founder
SheHub 創辦人
Sharing Speaker on Women Empowerment